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2110 views | 4 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Jul 27, 2022 Traffic
Use the Current Chats status board to see how many active chats your colleagues have and to balance traffic on your shifts:
You can access this tool from the AskAway staff homepage (under "Key links for your shift"):
You will need to be logged in to the website to access the link. Open this tool at the beginning of each shift and use it to manage traffic and balance the workload with your colleagues.
The status board refreshes automatically every minute to show you the following information:
who is currently staffing queues
what their status is (eg. available, busy)
the queues an individual is staffing
Note: you may see some service providers staffing only their institutional queue outside of their scheduled AskAway shifts
the time they picked up their most recent chat