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667 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Jan 17, 2023 Queues Proactive Chat
Update January 2023: Currently, service providers can expect to receive proactive chats from the following institutions: AC, BCIT, COTR, DC, KPU, NIC, OC, SFU, UBC, UNBC, and YKU.
Below, you'll find key information about how to staff your AskAway shifts:
1. Signing on for your shift
Example: selecting the ubc-proactive queue
b) All other service providers:
No action: No change as the new proactive queues are included in the general askaway queue
2. Claiming chats and chatting
You will claim and chat with students coming in via the proactive queues as you normally would.
Identifying proactive chats
Example: Active chat in the LibraryH3lp webclient showing the ubc-proactive queue
Claiming proactive chats